Simple Swap-Outs | New View Designs By Laurie Cole

With the holidays over and all the expense that goes with it, thinking of some of those “to do” items you have been dreaming about doing in the new year can seem a little overwhelming.

Sometimes, our lives get so busy that we tend to put off those things that we would love to do. Renovating, updating a space, or even decluttering a room can seem daunting and whether it be lack of time or lack of finances, the things we have been hoping to do often get put on the back burner.

One thing us moms sometimes tend to forget is that feeling good in your own home should be a priority.  The environment in which we live is sacred and one that needs to feel safe, comfortable, inspiring and calming. Having your home free of unnecessary clutter can actually reduce the everyday stress in our lives. For these reasons and more, we need to place importance on this. For me personally, I need to clean open spaces with minimal stuff and that can often seem like an insurmountable task when you have small children, or in my case teenagers…

With that in mind, I am suggesting some simple inexpensive swap outs to help you bring about a little change in the aesthetic of your home. While redecorating is not always high on the to-do list, even small changes in your surroundings can do wonders for your mental well-being.

Here are our top “Simple Swap-out Ideas”:

1. Cabinet Hardware: replacing old or worn handles and knobs with some fresh ones can completely transform the look of your cabinets!

2. Door Hardware: this is one that often gets overlooked, but some new door hardware can really update a home. Try switching it up to a lever style handle – they’re more practical for all ages and provide a more modern look.

3. Light Fixtures and Lamps: as they’re sometimes used as focal points in a space, swapping out the fixture itself for something new can really change the whole aesthetic. There are millions of light fixtures out there, so do some research on the finishes, styles, and lighting output different fixtures provide. Pinterest and Houzz are our two favourite go-to inspiration gathering tools!

4. Décor and Artwork: the great thing about décor and artwork is that they’re available almost anywhere nowadays. Take a trip to any home store in town to pick up a few new items and voila!

5. New Storage Bins: switching out your storage bins is an easy fix. There are so many choices available now that swapping the old ones out for these can instantly update the space. If they are housing kids’ toys, they can often get grimy and tattered looking. So, replacing these can make the space feel new again.

6. Drapery: Patterned or neutral – drapery can make a huge statement in a home. Whichever your preference, making a quick switch is a simple and effective way to transform your space.

7. Dining Chairs: it could be as simple as replacing the two end chairs of the dining table to add some contrast and a new flair to your dining room!

8. Paint: Colour trends are ever-changing and a quick and easy way to update a space is to paint the walls out in a new colour. Visit your local paint store for colour inspiration!

9. Invest in a professional and experienced decorator for a home consultation to help you rework the space on a budget. If time is in short supply, this will help expediate the process and get you closer to the updated space you are dreaming of.

Don’t forget that sometimes instead of replacing, we can relocate or refinish. Especially if you’re a crafty DIY-er, this option may be right up your alley. Sometimes, all a space needs is a new furniture layout, relocating some furniture, artwork, area rugs, etc., from another room. Or maybe you’ll refinish that dated buffet with some fresh paint or stain. Either way, having a freshened up and revamped space can make all the difference in how you deal with everyday life and all its joys and challenges.

Here’s to 2019 and all its going to be!



Clean, simple spaces. Unique, subtle patterns and textures. Bold splashes of colour. To define Laurie Cole’s designs is to realize that the space between objects is just as important as the objects themselves.

Whether designing a home from the ground up, renovating an existing room or house, staging and decorating a home to enhance saleability and price, or creating stunning model suites for condominiums, New View Designs brings a modern eye, and a unique flair to every project.

Most importantly, New View will listen to you, and discuss myriad options to suit your taste and budget. Contact us today for a consultation, and we will show you why we are simply the best in the business.


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