Love-Yo-Self | By Live Well Health Coaches

This post is presented by Live Well Health Coaches 

Ever feel like you put everything into everyone else and there’s no time, energy or love left for you?! We feel you.  Moms are often the engines that keep a family running…but what happens if that engine runs out of gas?  

I remember the first time I saw it…Self-Care isn’t selfish.  I thought to myself, “I need to get my Self-Care in check”…but how, where, when? I used to think this meant hitting the hair salon every 6 weeks, becoming a yogi and wearing clothing that didn’t have spit-up on it.  It is not. It is about paying attention to your mental health. When my self-care increases, my mom game is stronger.  

In honour of Love Month, our Live Well Health Coaches are here to help you to go on and love yourself.  

What is self-care?

Self-care can be any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional and physical health. Not something we force ourselves to do or something that we don’t enjoy doing. Self-care is something that fuels us rather than takes away from us. Self care is not selfish.

Taking the first steps in our self-care: 

1. Keep it simple

Taking time for self-care doesn’t have to be an all day spa event and it doesn’t have to be complicated.  Even just 5 minutes counts. Let’s be real…our day to day lives (and our bank accounts) do not always allow for a day at the spa. But what about taking 5 minutes to soak your feet or slap on a DIY facemask? Consistency is key! 

2. Make sure it’s working 

Ever sit down with a book and realize you just read the same sentence 5 times and you still have no idea what it said? That’s a sure sign that your self-care activity isn’t doing it’s job. I once went to a boxing class with my mom friend because she listed it as a top self-care strategy…I spent the entire class worrying – that my sports bra was definitely not supportive enough for this intensity, that the music was too loud so I couldn’t focus and that I wouldn’t be able to walk in the morning. You know how everyone folds their towels differently? It’s the same idea with self-care. There is no cookie cutter approach to self-care. Find what works for you. 

3. Build (Self) Awareness

Part of self-care is about recognizing the people, environments and activities that make you feel like you’re running out of fuel. That also means you become aware of the things that feed and fuel you…the ones that fill your cup.  

4. Stop comparing yourself to others!

Stop that…NOW! With social media and constant messaging, it’s so easy to compare ourselves to other.  What is that Pinterest mom doing for the class party…what is my vegan mom friend making for supper…I once had a client share with me that she felt like the worst mom in the world for giving her daughter pizza for supper (gasp!). It wasn’t until her husband pointed out that her daughter had the biggest smile on her face (and was actually eating her food) that she realized she needed to chill out. The moral of the story: sometimes skipping out on the meal plan and buying a pizza is self-care!! 

3.  Change it up

If you gave your kids the same steamed lunch day in and day out over and over again, without changing it up, how long would it take for them to get bored of it? Self-care is the same. If you are always doing the same activity, the allure will eventually wear off. It’s important to have a variety self-care activities on the menu.  Think of it as a nourishment menu…a list of self-care activities that nourish and fuel you. 

4. Let’s do this!

Where do you even begin? The first step is make it a priority. There will always be another load of laundry, another sink full of dishes, another toy to be picked up but these things can and will wait for you. Take those 5 minutes for you – guess what…that can be locking yourself in the bathroom to enjoy every sip of fresh coffee! Remember – everyone’s self-care is different. So make sure it’s something you truly enjoy. And if you need some help… Connect with a FREE Health Coach today! We are here to work with you!

Need some help coming up with your own self-care activities? Here are some of our Health Coaches favourite self-care strategies: 

  • Go shopping (even window is good) 
  • Walking in the woods
  • Spending time in nature
  • Napping with my kitties
  • Grabbing a latte 
  • If I need something – speak up and say something
  • Taking the dog for a walk 
  • Binge watching netflix (guilt free) 
  • Cooking
  • Baking 
  • Calling an old friend
  • Yoga Nidra sessions in the evening for better sleep
  • Taking care of my indoor plants 
  • Aromatherapy and Light therapy 15 min in the morning while reading a “feel good” book
  • Journaling
  • Game nights
  • Buying a new lipstick
  • Laughing
  • Watching a fire in the fireplace
  • Listening to music
  • Deep breathing 
  • Wine night with my girlfriends!
  • Maintaining a skincare and eyebrow routine 
  • Dancing 
  • Hugging my dog!
  • Writing down my thoughts/to do list to “declutter” my brain
  • Canceling plans
  • Taking a bath with my favorite essential oils
  • Online shopping with a coffee (even if it’s just to brows
  • Coffee dates 
  • Creating a new playlist 
  • Listening to a new podcast

Live Well | Bien Vivre (LW|BV) is a Health Coaching program residing with Diabetes Canada and funded by the Government of New Brunswick. Free and accessible to anyone 19 and older, our Health Coaches are currently in six regions across the province, working to support clients in the pursuit of their wellness goals.

Our unique approach guides clients through stages of change, while connecting participants with community resources and supporting self determination. LW | BV wants to see New Brunswickers health and wellness thrive and we are dedicated to having a positive impact on health outcomes to prevent chronic disease. Contact a health coach today to start your journey!


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