Let’s Talk About Sex | By Chelsey Daley ( Sequoia Fredericton)

This post is presented by Chelsey Daley, owner of Sequoia Fredericton

With the month of love officially upon us I would like to talk about what goes on between the sheets, if you’re lucky enough to get there in the midst of sleepless nights and puke stained pyjamas. It’s normal to have a decreased sex drive after giving birth. This feeling can last for months, and is very common especially for first time moms. The stress and worry that new mothers experience should not be overlooked. Learning to love and accept your postpartum body can have a large impact on confidence in the bedroom. You may also be feeling a touch of postpartum blues caused by hormonal fluctuations. It’s important to be patient with yourself and know that these are temporary problems.

Many breastfeeding moms I’ve talked to report a decreased sex drive for most of or the entire time they are nursing. Estrogen is an important hormone that decreases with breastfeeding and this can affect your vaginal tissues. According to Elizabeth Pryor, MD as she wrote in parents magazine “The most common side effect is dryness, and a pins and needles feeling during intercourse”. Understandably, this is can have negative impact on your ability to “get in the mood”. When you decide to resume relations, it’s important to use lubricants to help protect the tissues and minimize discomfort.

When choosing a lubricant I recommend a natural option. Here is a list of ingredients you should avoid found in the SELF magazine written by Alyssa Dweck, M.D., gynaecologist.

1. Glycerin: May contribute to an overgrowth of yeast, which can then cause yeast infections. Which is one of the last things you want after the vaginal trauma you have just been though. 

2. Nonoxynol-9: Many personal lubricants contain this chemical specific to attacking “little swimmers”. The chemical throws off your natural vaginal bacteria and can cause an annoying infection called bacterial vaginosis.

3. Petroleum: Vaseline should never be used as a lubricant, it throws off the vaginal pH levels giving you a higher chance of infection. 

4. Propylene Glycol: Many people are sensitive to this ingredient, not many studies prove that it is unsafe in lubricant but the fact that you can also find it in antifreeze is enough for me to stay away from it. 

5. Parabens: This group of chemicals used as preservatives have a ton of debate surrounding them. In recent years there has been worry surrounding parabens, suggesting that these chemicals may be endocrine disruptors acting like estrogen, potentially messing with peoples’ hormones. Some studies state that parabens increase the chance of getting breast cancer. Although nothing has been proven to date, it’s safe to stay away, when there are natural options. 

6. Chlorhexidine Glucanote: If you suffer from sensitive skin this antibacterial ingredient is a big no no. For many it causes irritation and inflammation.


At Sequoia, we carry a wonderful option for natural lubricant: LOVE Personal Lubricant by Lorna Vanderhaeghe. This product restores vaginal lubrication, is water based, latex friendly, non staining, soothing, improves vaginal balance, safe while trying to conceive, does not dry or become sticky, does not contain parabens, toxic preservatives, mineral oil, animal products or petroleum ingredients.   If you are in pain due to inadequate lubrication, LOVE personal lubricant is a great solution as it contains Turnera Diffusa leaf extract. Turnera diffusa leaf extract is known to reduce stress and increase sexual function.

After breastfeeding, it may take a while for your body to return to it’s hormonally balanced self. Sequoia also has a product to help increase desire, increase libido and improve arousal. Sexsmart also by Lorna Vanderhaeghe has been called “the little blue pill” for women. Pro- sexual nutrients are a safe way to get you thinking about sex again while improving your overall health. The nutrients found in Sexsmart help bring back desire, aid in the big O and improve lubrication while also improving overall strength and wellbeing. This supplement is designed for women who want the zest back in their sex life. 

Proper lubricant and supplements can have a huge impact on performance in the bedroom. Most importantly I believe new mamas need to work on self love. If you are having a hard time loving yourself it will be hard to share love with your partner. For me, 2018 was hard on my body (in the best way), I grew a 7 pound 9oz perfect little human. Before getting pregnant I was used to having a very athletic body, after gaining close to 50 pounds by the end of my pregnancy I felt terrible. I knew I was going to have to work hard every day to love my new body. Although I’m back to my pre pregnancy weight at this point, I definitely don’t look as toned and tight as I once did. Though it would be easy for me to stare into the mirror at my stretch marks and jelly belly, I have to recognize body is a beautiful baby making machine. Accepting and therefore loving myself paired with proper diet and regular exercise allowed me to jump back into my pre- baby life fairly quickly. 

When you are truly ready to venture back into the bedroom after having a baby, remember that there are products and professionals out there to help. You can reach out to me at Sequoia for any questions on postpartum self love or supplement inquiries. It’s a subject that’s not talked about a lot but, I hope I was able to shed some light as it’s an important part of life and marriage. 


Disclaimer | This Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.

Hi everyone! My name is Chelsey Daley and while originally from Moncton, NB, I have been calling Fredericton home for the past 5 years. I graduated from St Thomas University in 2015 and  married my high school sweetheart the same year.  In 2017 I decide to dive into the world of entrepreneurship and opened Sequoia, a successful health food store in the heart of downtown Fredericton.

2018 has been one of the most amazing years yet – I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! So now I have joined all of you, in this wonderful and crazy journey called Motherhood!

Most recently, I became a Registered Holistic Weight loss Expert! I will be offering an online program for women who are looking to grow their skills and knowledge in nutrition, wellness & business all while creating a healthy life and helping others to do the same.

When I’m not at the store, you will find me spending time with my family, running with my dog, and enjoying the outdoors. I’m passionate about wellness, nutrition, and fitness and hope to inspire other boss moms along my journey. 


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