The Surprising Downsides of Situps | East Coast Chiropractic

Do you believe painful crunches and sit-ups are the way to ripped abs and a strong core? Is there any truth to this ubiquitous exercise? Find out why crunches may actually be causing damage to your spine…

First let’s bust a myth: There was a small randomized controlled trial done in 2011 where one group did daily abdominal sit-up exercises while the control group did none. After six weeks, detailed measurements were taken and it was found that the sit-ups made no difference to waist size or the amount of fat around the stomach. Myth busted. There is WAY more to losing weight and toning your stomach than doing sit-ups. And keep reading – they may even be doing more damage than good!

Now that we have that out of the way, I’d like you to meet our colleague Dr. Stuart McGill – the man that wants to kill crunches. Dr. McGill is a researcher and professor of spinal biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Ontario (and how epic is his moustache btw?).

After three decades of research using some pretty fancy technology he literally has come to loathe sit-ups (both full and crunch versions) and so have we! 

Why are those beloved crunches so bad for you? 

Simply put, each time you perform a sit-up or crunch you flex your spine into a position at which it damages sooner. 

Here is a mini anatomy lesson: in between each bone or vertebrae of your spine is a disc, each disc in your spine has a ring around it, and in the middle is a mucous-like liquid called the nucleus. When you flex your spine, like in a sit-up motion, the compression squeezes this inner liquid. When this liquid makes its way out of the disc (it can bulge or herniate) it can hit a nerve root and cause back pain. 

How much compression actually occurs?

Research has determined that both crunches and traditional sit ups generate at least 3350 newtons (= to 340 kg) of compressive forces on the spine. Some perspective: Occupational Health and Safety guidelines consider anything above 3300 newtons unsafe… 

What should I do instead?

Core weakness is often an achilles heel when it comes to spinal function and stability for our clients.

An unconditioned core + a desk job or a job with repetitive motions that require core stability = recipe for low back pain. 

Might I add… pregnancy + birth + postpartum + repeat = big time core weakness + the duties of parenting require lots of core stability = recipe for low back pain. 

This is why we always recommend supportive core exercises when indicated by our testing for each client depending on their current stage of life, fitness level, occupational loads and overall lifestyle demands.

The exercises we choose keep the spine in a safe neutral position, minimize compressive forces, and impact multiple layers of the core complex to get the best results. 


Here are 3 core exercises you can do instead of sit-ups: bird dogs, dead bug, and the side bridge:




**It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional before engaging in any new exercise to make sure there are no contraindications in your specific case. There are many other “good” core exercises as well, these ones are just a few of the basics you should be able to do before progressing to more complex ones.**

PS. You may even be doing unintentional sit-ups every time you get up out of bed in the morning. Click the box below and I’ll send you a fun video we made about how NOT to get out of bed in the morning (and of course, how to do it the RIGHT way :)) 


Fredericton Chiropractors

I’m Dr. Marie and I love helping moms and moms-to-be who think differently. My passion for chiropractic, exercise, food, and motherhood are what drive me to wake up everyday, to live life to the fullest, and to help others do the same. I grew up in suburban Toronto but always envisioned ending up somewhere quite different. My visions of the perfect place to live became a reality here in Fredericton. Before moving here I did my undergraduate degree at Western University in London, Ontario and then earned by Doctor of Chiropractic degree in Toronto. While studying for my dream job I also found my dream husband. Along with our daughter Zoey, we help families reach more of their health potential.

I’m Dr. Graham and I love being a dad. My daughter Zoey is my inspiration to be as healthy as I can be and to help as many families as I can do the same. I grew up in Fredericton, did my undergraduate education at UNB and then moved to Toronto to complete my 4-year Doctorate in Chiropractic at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. It was there that I met my wife Marie. I managed to convince Marie to move back east with me to start our practice and our family. We opened East Coast Chiropractic with a big vision and have been helping lots of families live happier, healthier lives ever since.

Like us on Facebook if you want to join our community of health conscious families.



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