‘Happy Endings’ by Jennifer Hurley ( Saint John, NB)

On August 12th, 2014 I wrote in a blog a quote I found online “Even in the midst of my fear, worry, anxiety and depression I still believe. I believe that I will be a mom (someday, somehow) and I pray that god hears our prayers!”-unknown

My husband and I had been married for four years when I first started sharing our struggling journey to become parents. We explored many avenues without any success. It was extremely tough. Then we received a phone call that changed our lives forever.

photo credit: Allison Hadley Photography

As we boarded a plane very early in the morning on August 24th, 2015 my husband and I sat in silence holding hands, knowing our dreams were finally coming true. Having a baby is an amazing miracle. To be given a gift of a baby, is indescribable. As I write this, I am truly speechless. Trying to share those feelings I had in those first few minutes when I held my little boy for the first time.

What long bumpy road did we go through to become parents? I do remember that there was a lot of anger, sadness and heartbreak, but in those seconds of having our precious gift walk into our lives, nothing else mattered.

On February 22nd, 2015 I wrote a personal note in a blog I was writing…

Although the road has had many bumps and sharp turns we have never lost hope…I know deep down I was truly meant to be a mom and I will be one someday- hopefully sooner than later!

jen3Letter to our future blessings:

You will never know how much you were already loved before you came into our lives. You have and will continue to be the best and most amazing fairy tale ending to a painful journey! To watch you grow brings tears to our eyes and we will always be proud of you and where you come from. We will promise to raise you to know your story and make it part of your everyday life.
Thank you for being the apple of our eyes, and we will love you with every bone in our body, and beat in our heart, for as long as we both shall live!

Love you always,  mom and dad xoxo


I am so proud to be a mom. There is not a day that goes by that I am not grateful for our gift. He is the most wonderful little boy who brightens up my life in every way! Sometimes when you are struggling with something it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please remember to always believe, when the world says give up, hope whispers…try it one more time or always believe that something  wonderful is about to happen for you!

PicMonkey Collage

Our little boy has brought so much joy and love into our lives!  I truly know our son was meant to come into our family before it would be complete. Miracles happen to those who believe. If you believe in something with all your heart and mind, you bring it to life! We are so lucky and ecstatic that after the long road to happiness, we are expecting a baby conceived naturally and Graham will become a big brother in just four short months, a total dream will come true!

My hope for anyone reading this is to never give up on your dreams…as one day you may be truly blessed with two, just like me!

JH xoxo ( Saint John, NB)