Camping with Toddlers

Camping with kids

Last year, as I wrote about in a previous blog post, my husband and I made the life-changing decision to buy a camper. I say life changing, because for us, it was just that. We had grown far too accustomed to a sedentary, indoor life, too often gathered around the booming air conditioning unit in our home, too often plugged into technology. We were in love with the idea of the great outdoors and a screen-free life for our girls, but days were passing without so much as a breath of fresh air, and we were feeling the toll. Our children were asking for Dora the Explorer on warm summer nights, unaware of the amazing things that could be possible outside when days were warm and long.

Our camper was purchased in May, we spent 40 nights in those tight quarters that summer alone, and we could not be happier with the decision we made. That being said, life in a small hybrid camper with two small children did come with some speed bumps and a tight learning curve. Our well of wisdom isn’t deep, but we did learn a few important lessons during our first summer on the road.

Simplicity is key. There’s something to be said for the minimalist lifestyle, and tons of research exists on the association between “stuff” and stress. As much as I’ve strived for a clutter-free life at home, having children pretty much guarantees both the need for more stuff and that stuff will certainly never be consistently put back where it belongs. In our camper however, we just don’t have the space, and bringing along only the essentials is crucial. This allows me to indulge in the minimalist lifestyle of my dreams, if only during the summer months.

Large campsites trump fancy gimmicks every time. The allure of waterslides, bouncy castles and other fun zones seemed perfect for our family in the early days of our camping resume. It didn’t take long to figure out that bells and whistles often translate to stress, melt downs and tears where camping with very small children is concerned. Having a large, open campsite a good distance to roadways is always our choice now that we are more seasoned campers.

Take time to be mindful of what’s around you. Despite all of the adventures and excitement we experienced last summer, the one moment that sticks to the front of my memory is so simple, yet so important to me. I made a conscientious effort one morning to stop, look and take everything in, and what I saw was this: my girls were sitting at the top of a slide, side-by-side, eating an apple, while my husband sat, eyes closed, on a nearby bench, soaking in the sun. In that moment, I was never more aware of what’s important in life. Camping allows an escape from life’s distractions that too often leave is blind to beautiful simplicity.

Kids will entertain themselves in the most amazing ways if you just stop trying to keep them entertained. The thing I love about small children is their ability to revel in the mundane. My husband often laughs about the fact that babies are apt to ignore expensive toys received on Christmas morning in favour of ribbons and paper. The unfortunate thing about this technologically advanced world is that we don’t permit children to be bored, which stifles creativity and discovery. Camping allows growth in our girls that isn’t probable in our home.

Pick a campsite close, but not too close, to the essentials. We quickly discovered that essentials include: washrooms facilities, a playground and a grassy area. Nothing much else matters. Proximity is key, but distance is definitely a benefit, unless you enjoy removing a screaming toddler endlessly from swings, bathrooms stalls and neighbouring fire pits.

We continue to learn, and have even chosen to rent out our home this upcoming summer to be able to maximize the time spent in our little palace on wheels. Living an unplugged life of exploration and adventure is important enough to us to sacrifice the creature comforts of home. We’re a happier family on the road, away from the stresses and distractions of everyday life, and we would encourage everyone interested in camping to take the plunge and finally embrace the camping lifestyle. If you do, my hope is that my little tidbits of advice will make your inaugural season run a bit more smoothly, even if your family is still young.


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13711526_10154421529874954_301133693_oI am the proud mother of two sweet girls: one an independent, chatterbox, and the other an easy-going, happy ball of joy. A book lover through and through, I have followed my passion from a degree in English Lit to a career teaching middle school literacy. I spend my days teaching the proper placement of the comma (amongst other things), my evenings surviving bedtime routines and stealing cuddles, and my nights binge watching reality tv and late-night snacking with my husband, Scott. My obsessions include keeping up with current events, sharing useless facts, watching American politics with a horrified look on my face, travelling and the idea of “tiny homes”.

Likes- eating noodles, planning future vacations and scoring sweet deals while online shopping.

Dislikes- bananas, bigotry and being cold.





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