7 Sneaky Ways Your Tech Addiction Is Messing With You

Hey Mom Talkers!  

I have a confession – I’m addicted to technology! Like, completely out of control with my phone and computer. And I was in denial about my digital distraction for so long…  

The reason this behaviour came into my awareness is because we just recorded a podcast episode about tech addictions. My husband (Dr. Graham) completely deleted all his social accounts, youtube app and Netflix and set some serious rules around his usage. This had profound affects for him. 

Side Note: We started a podcast! It’s called the Be More Human Podcast. Every week we dive into the ideas, tools, and strategies you need to build a healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy family. It’s been really fun so far! Listen in on iTunes and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. 

Honestly, doing the research for this past episode was a huge eye opener for me too, even though I knew about the negative affects.  

So please, listen to the episode as we discuss digital distraction and its affect on us and our children.  

In the meantime, here are 7 downsides of excessive technology use when it comes to your health: 

1. “Text neck.”

This is actually a real diagnosis. The flexed forward posture that you (and your kids!) have when using a phone or playing on an iPad is damaging the joints, muscles and nerves in your neck. This postural change can be seen on X-ray where a normal cervical (neck) curve ends up looking like a straight neck. 

This puts stress on the nerves leaving your neck that innervate your head, neck, arms, hands and are involved with some important physiological processes. 

2. Dowagers Hump.

That’s a fancy name for that bump at the top of the upper back. It almost looks like a hunch back if it gets really bad. Most often caused by chronic forward leaning posture, its the result of abnormal changes in the spinal curves and weakening of the spinal extensor muscles. 

3. Eye strain.

Long term screen use can result in eye strain, discomfort, problems seeing far and headaches. Text neck and headaches often go hand in hand.  

4. Poor Sleep.

The blue light from screens disrupts our circadian rhythms when used in the last couple hours before we plan to go to sleep. Then, we sleep with our phones beside us and use them in the middle of the night, especially if you’re up feeding a baby or with a sick toddler. It can get us wired, ignite our fight-or-flight response and prevent us from having a quality sleep (which we need to parent, work, heal and be healthy).  

5. Disconnection.

You might believe that social media connects us, and to an extent it definitely does. Take the MomTalk Facebook group for example – a great way to bring our parenting community together. BUT, researchers have actually found that Facebook and Instagram users commonly feel unhappy after using them. 

The young adult generation is having a hard time learning how to speak to people face to face – their social skills are struggling because they’ve learned how to communicate with text messages, emojis and GIFs.

In a world that is so “connected” via the internet… why do so many people feel disconnected? 

6. Mental Health.

Excessive use of technology has been associated with poor psychological well being, poor self confidence, anxiety, depression and lower life satisfaction.

7. Modelling.

How often do you check your phone… even when no notifications have gone off? The average person checks every 15 minutes or less.  

One recent study found infants’ attention spans suffer when their caregivers’ eyes wander to smartphones and other technological distractions during playtime, which may impair their capacity for language acquisition and problem-solving. This was a good reminder that my daughters are watching everything.I.do. 

First of all, I don’t want them to think that whatever I’m doing on my phone is more important than spending connected time with them. Secondly, I don’t want them doing what I’m doing – so I better get control of this before they learn that constantly checking emails, messages and notifications is a priority at all times of day.  

In my research for this episode (and please listen to it, we share some laughs and gems!) I came across a really powerful quote by a psychotherapist that I wanted to leave you with:

“Many of us have grown afraid that if we don’t continually tell the world who we are, as everyone else is doing, we will become invisible and irrelevant. If this happens, our very sense of self is called into question. Our life has become something we use to advertise our identity.”

No, I won’t be deleting my Facebook or Instagram accounts anytime soon but I will be setting some new rules around my usage (we give some good tips in the episode!). 




Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical advice. It is general information that may or may not apply to your condition or circumstances. Please see your Chiropractor for assessment of your lower back and/or pelvic pain.

Fredericton Chiropractors

I’m Dr. Marie and I love helping moms and moms-to-be who think differently. My passion for chiropractic, exercise, food, and motherhood are what drive me to wake up everyday, to live life to the fullest, and to help others do the same. I grew up in suburban Toronto but always envisioned ending up somewhere quite different. My visions of the perfect place to live became a reality here in Fredericton. Before moving here I did my undergraduate degree at Western University in London, Ontario and then earned by Doctor of Chiropractic degree in Toronto. While studying for my dream job I also found my dream husband. Along with our newest addition Eloise, and 3 year old Zoey, we help families reach more of their health potential.

I’m Dr. Graham and I love being a dad. My daughters Zoey and Eloise are my inspiration to be as healthy as I can be and to help as many families as I can do the same. I grew up in Fredericton, did my undergraduate education at UNB and then moved to Toronto to complete my 4-year Doctorate in Chiropractic at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. It was there that I met my wife Marie. I managed to convince Marie to move back east with me to start our practice and our family. We opened East Coast Chiropractic with a big vision and have been helping lots of families live happier, healthier lives ever since.

Like us on Facebook if you want to join our community of health conscious families.

East Coast Chiropractic | 520 Brookside Dr. Unit D-1, Fredericton, NB | 506.454.2004


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