Who will be our Next Featured Mom? Cast your VOTE!

We kindly ask that you, the readers, VOTE for who you would like to see win professional Hair, Makeup and a Mini Portrait Session with and styled by Victoria West Portrait! The winner will also be gifted a 10″ print from their session and be featured on The Blog!

Simply leave a comment below with the name and/or number of who you would like to see win!

( You may only vote once and voting will close on Nov 8th, 2015 @ 12am)

Good luck ladies, and thanks for being such good sports! ha

1.Caroline F. Mackay– My 1.5 year old somehow turned the camera on on my computer and it was a fairly new computer (not having turned the camera on myself before) and it took a picture of me trying to turn it off. I later saw the picture in the pictures files and said “who is that???”

2. Jacklyn Burns– Yes, most days I feel like that crazed lunatic to the left. Maybe my 5 year old is on to something…

3. Jacey Thurston– (Sent in by her husband) “I think this would really motivate her to feel better about herself, especially when she can look at the photo shed receive and visually see how beautiful she is, and how beautiful the kids and I see her at all times!”

4. Kati Betts– Not pretty. Hair on my head. Greasy. Pjs still on at noon. Just putting 3 toddlers to bed to grab a quick shower and maybe lunch. Maybe. 😉

5. Colleen Charlton-Sticker face. Great way to unwind after a long day at work. Just great

6. Kara-lyn English-Although it was hard to find a pic, this photo was taken for my husband at 8:40 am on September 25th, my son just threw a block in my eye. This was Day 2 no shower lol, as you can see by my greasy wings! I had just put a bit of makeup on to take my son and kids ( I own and operate an in home daycare) to the library. My eye watered for 40 min. Love being a mom!

7. Connie Wheaton– “Mommy selfie! “

8. Stacey Goguen– I’m a super hero in my own mind! Lol Not sure my four kiddies would agree….some days maybe 🙂

9. Tonya Francis– This was taken just few weeks after my fourth baby was born via c-section. I’m 24 years old and I have 2 little girls, 2 little boys and a bonus son (step son) I’m a stay at home mom while my fiancé works.

10. Rachael Brown– I don’t have any other mom selfies just yet as I only just had my baby Friday, October 30th at 4:20 AM. Despite being in labour for 23 hours, I have never felt better. Having Stephen was the most incredible thing I have ever done and I’m so blessed to be a mother.

11. Lacey Porter– It’s late, I haven’t showered, she’s cranky, my boobs are dried up and the dog needs out.

12. Chantal Bissonnette– “It’s 10pm… my baby won’t sleep and now I’m sitting on a toilet with a baby strapped to me. Glamorous mom moment”

13. Amanda Bentley– Shiny face, messy hair (mama and baby), and glasses… This look has only gotten worse with 2 under 2!!

14. Amanda R- After a very long day at work and a demanding child after school and daycare… Sometimes you get into the wine after bedtime

15. Keribelle- This is my life everyday leggings and a tshirt. I took 4 days off after having my second to go back to work where i do paper work with a crazy 2 year old and a 6 month old. The fashion struggle is real hahah baby throw up and messy hair.

16. Carlee Vincent– I am 23 ( soon to be 24) mom of 3 kids oldest son is 7 my daughter is 5 and my youngest boy is 4 haven’t had any me time in 3 months!! Closest I’ve come is a 20 min bath time! I need help!! Lol

17. Marci Craig– This is my Mom Selfie; when I was trying to clean around the house with a baby who was having his lovely sleep regression! Third night into being woken up 8 plus times a night and no naps longer then 5 minutes haha He could stand if I even turned my back on him for a second! Oh the joys of motherhood!


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