5 Reasons To Start Drinking Smoothies | By Chelsey Daley

This post is presented by Chelsey Daley of Sequoia Fredericton

No matter what kind of diet you are following, or dietary restrictions you may have you cannot go wrong with introducing delicious nutrient-packed smoothies into your life. Smoothies have the ability to enrich your body with a ton of vitamins and minerals that are able to make changes on a cellular level. Smoothies can help with sleep, improve your metabolism, give you glowing skin, increase energy, help with weight loss and much more. 

Here are 5 reasons why you should introduce smoothies into your daily routine. Scroll to the end for the full Sequoia smoothie menu. 

1. Smoothies are a sneaky and delicious way to get more fruits and veggies into your diet. 

According to the newest Canada food guide fruits and vegetables should take up 50% of your daily food consumption. Consuming the daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables can be a challenging task for children and adults alike. A smoothie can make greens such as kale and spinach much more appealing.

2. Smoothies aid in weight loss by providing a ton of fibre and curbing your appetite. 

Fibre helps with eliminating waste and harmful toxins from your body. It also helps to make you feel fuller longer, and suppress cravings. 

Side Note: Let me quickly address weight loss for a minute as it’s an important subject to me. A perfect smoothie will not magically make you lose weight. To be honest not one thing will ever do that, at least not in a healthy or sustainable way. If you are truly looking to lose weight, you will also have to address a number of other factors, while creating a sustainable lifestyle that involves slow and steady progress. 

3. Smoothies boost energy levels. 

Do you begin to daydream at work or feel like taking a nap in the afternoon? A mid day smoothie can be the “pick me up” you need. Packed with nutrients smoothies can increase energy levels to help you get through the day. Additionally, the antioxidants present in a smoothie help to lower inflammation and reduce muscle soreness, this makes smoothies a great post workout snack. 

4. Food for your brain.

Many different fruits and vegetables increase brain power and boost memory. Mental alertness and concentration is greatly enhanced by ingredients like coconut. Coconut is rich in omega3 fatty acids which helps the brain work faster. Coconut also has a ton of fibre, which helps to eliminate waste and stay regular. 

5. Smoothies are fun! 

At sequoia we love creating new smoothie recipes, brain storming ideas and testing new flavours. There are an unlimited amount of combinations, and benefits.

Here’s a list of all the delicious smoothies available at sequoia. Please note that all our smoothies have water as the liquid ingredient, unless otherwise stated.

Matcha Madness – Matcha Tea, Almond Milk, Pineapple, Avocado, Spinach, Banana. Match Madness is a great energy boosting smoothie.

– Pomegranate Powder, Mixed Berries, Banana, Ginger. The name says it all, our immunity smoothie helps boost your immunity and settle your stomach. 

Tropical Miracle
– NB Sea Buckthorn Berries, Orange Peel, Pineapple, Banana, Carrots, Mango. We call this the “beauty smoothie” sea buckthorn berries are packed with folate, biotin, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and E. Helping  you build healthy hair, skin and nails. 

Pina Colada
– Coconut Chunks, Coconut Milk, Pineapple, Vanilla, Lime. OK so I’m not one for picking favourites but this is my absolutely favourite Sequoia smoothie right now. A smoothie packed with fibre that also makes you fee like you’re lounging on the beach, what could be better?

The Hydrator
– Watermelon, Pineapple, Carrot, Mint. A simple, sweet and refreshing smoothie perfect for a hot summer day. The Hydrator helps to quench your thirst and improve digestion. Mint is a wonderful herb to help sooth an upset stomach. 

– Peanut Butter, Almond Milk, Banana, Dates. If you come into sequoia hungry this protein packed smoothie will fill you up. It pairs well with a chocolate protein boosters, taste like a healthy chocolate peanut butter cup. 

So Green – 
Last but not least on the Sequoia menu is So Green – Coconut Water, Green Apple, Pineapple, Kale, Protein. A great post workout smoothie as it replaces electrolytes lost during physical activity. Also a delicious way to get in your greens. 

Next time you’re in store be sure to try one of our smoothies. We are always looking to expand our menu, and love to try new recipes. Whats your go to smoothie recipe? 


Hi everyone! My name is Chelsey Daley and while originally from Moncton, NB, I have been calling Fredericton home for the past 5 years. I graduated from St Thomas University in 2015 and  married my high school sweetheart the same year.  In 2017 I decide to dive into the world of entrepreneurship and opened Sequoia, a successful health food store in the heart of downtown Fredericton.

2018 has been one of the most amazing years yet – I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! So now I have joined all of you, in this wonderful and crazy journey called Motherhood!

Most recently, I became a Registered Holistic Weight loss Expert! I will be offering an online program for women who are looking to grow their skills and knowledge in nutrition, wellness & business all while creating a healthy life and helping others to do the same.

When I’m not at the store, you will find me spending time with my family, running with my dog, and enjoying the outdoors. I’m passionate about wellness, nutrition, and fitness and hope to inspire other boss moms along my journey. 


Disclaimer | This Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.


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