7 Ways To Avoid Common Breast (And Bottle) Feeding “Boobie” Traps

Do you feel stiff and achy after feeding your baby? Do you experience tense shoulders, headaches, neck and upper back pain?

Have you noticed that your posture is getting worse – your head and shoulders slouch forward and your upper back is starting to hunch?

Breastfeeding (and bottle-feeding) can take a toll on your body. As a busy mom who needs to show up every day with energy and vitality, I bet this is the last thing you want to deal with.

Not only that, your baby may also experience some unintentional discomfort as a result… it’s definitely not an easy task!

Here are some common “booby traps”  when it comes to feeding ergonomics for you and your little one:

For MOM:

Look Up. I know, all you want to do is gaze downwards at your little pride and joy. However, every few minutes take a moment to look up and get some movement in your neck – look up and down, and side to side a few times in each direction.

Loosen Up. It’s easy to tense up your shoulders and upper back and not even realize it. Using pillows when possible to support the baby and bring them up to your chest level will help give your arms and shoulders a rest. Avoid bending and slouching forward to meet them at their level – instead, prop them up to YOUR level.

Straight Lines. Be aware of the angle you carry your elbows and wrists in. If you’re finding your wrist in some contorted position readjust to straighten it out.

Change It Up. Changing positions or places to sit/lie down will help alleviate pain and tension in your neck, back and shoulders. Side-lying breastfeeding is a great way to rest – if set up correctly your spine is neutral and you will not be using your shoulders or arms to bear any weight.


Relax. Being rigid with the forearm and hand that are supporting your baby’s head may create pressure on your baby’s delicate spine and skull. The bones of their skull are still malleable so be sure to avoid sustained pressure to the head.

Stay Neutral. Keeping your baby’s head and neck in a neutral position while feeding is important. Avoid extreme neck rotation where their body is facing up to the ceiling and their head is facing you. Bring their chest to your chest to keep their neck neutral.

Also keep an eye on their lower back and legs. It is common as babies get longer for their legs to dangle off your lap, creating excessive extension in their lower back. Make sure their whole pelvis is supported to avoid this.

Change It Up. Changing positions often is not only good for you, but for your baby as well.

Special note for BOTTLE Feeding Moms: SWITCH SIDES!! I know… one way feels way better than the other… BUT don’t always feed your baby on the same side. Babies were designed to feed on both sides interchangeably. This is vital for proper spinal motion and brain development.

If you’re not the one feeding them all the time, make sure you let your baby’s other caregivers know as well. (One sided feeding can also contribute to plagiocephaly which is a flattening of the baby’s skull usually caused by impaired range of motion in the neck, resulting in the baby’s head always resting one way).

I get it, sometimes you need to feed in super awkward positions, on the go, in the back seat of the car, wherever. You often sacrifice your body to make sure your baby is comfy…. you’ll hold any position not to break a latch! Even if you do your best to be ergonomically sound while feeding it is still a stressor on your body.

So here’s what I want you to do:

Click here to download my ONE PAGE guide to NECK and BACK SAVING exercises.

Just a few exercises I put together that you can do between feeding sessions to improve your range of motion, reduce stiffness, and decrease your muscle tension.

Happy feeding!

Dr. Marie

East Coast Chiropractic | 520 Brookside Dr. Unit D-1, Fredericton, NB | 506.454.2004

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I’m Dr. Marie and I love helping moms and moms-to-be who think differently. My passion for chiropractic, exercise, food, and motherhood are what drive me to wake up everyday, to live life to the fullest, and to help others do the same. I grew up in suburban Toronto but always envisioned ending up somewhere quite different. My visions of the perfect place to live became a reality here in Fredericton. Before moving here I did my undergraduate degree at Western University in London, Ontario and then earned by Doctor of Chiropractic degree in Toronto. While studying for my dream job I also found my dream husband. Along with our newest addition, Zoey, we help families reach more of their health potential.

I’m Dr. Graham and I love being a dad. My daughter Zoey is my inspiration to be as healthy as I can be and to help as many families as I can do the same. I grew up in Fredericton, did my undergraduate education at UNB and then moved to Toronto to complete my 4-year Doctorate in Chiropractic at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. It was there that I met my wife Marie. I managed to convince Marie to move back east with me to start our practice and our family. We opened East Coast Chiropractic with a big vision and have been helping lots of families live happier, healthier lives ever since.

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